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New Group Moves Against Apple and Google Over App Store Overpayment in Netherlands

While the fight between Apple and Dutch regulators may have been astroturfed by the world’s largest dating conglomerate, the scent of blood does attract other predators. The Mac Observer has word of a new movement against Apple in the Netherlands. According to that:

The Dutch App Stores Claim Foundation has taken on both [Apple] and Google over claims that Dutch consumers have paid up to 1 billion euros too much for apps. The foundation alleges both Apple and Google abuse their market power in the conditions placed on apps and in-app purchases.

The piece goes on to say:

The foundation, chaired by tech entrepreneur and journalist Alexander Klopping, believes both tech giants should refund the excess payments. Its argument stresses that Apple and Google couldn’t charge such high commissions if there was more competition in the app marketplaces.

In his call to action, Klopping says:

Dutch users have suffered damage that can amount to up to a billion euros. We are now going to reclaim the overpaid money through collective actions. Together we will ensure that Apple and Google play the game fairly from now on. Do you agree and do you want the overpaid money back, sign up now.

They say they don’t want to sue and are inviting Apple and Google to… I don’t know, discuss terms of their surrender, I suppose. Barring that, I guess Apple and Google could see The Dutch App Stores Claim Foundation in court at some point. 

Apple 3.0: Dutch Dating App Row a Product of Coalition for Apple Fairness Member MatchGroup

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