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Apple Retail Watcher Sees Sign of New Apple Store for UK

It looks like Apple’s prepping for a new store in the UK - its first in nearly a decade. 9 to 5 Mac highlights a report from Michael Steeber’s Tabletops newsletter. The site has the newsletter indicating that:

…Apple has begun hiring for a brand new store in Greater London, which will be the first new store location in the UK since Apple Edinburgh opened in 2014.

Oh, man - we should go there. 2014?!? That would be awesome. 

Steeber bases his expectation on some Apple job postings. No word on where in London the new store will be, and no indication as to when it might open.

New Group Moves Against Apple and Google Over App Store Overpayment in Netherlands

JustWatch: Oscar Nominated “CODA” and “Macbeth” Back in the Streaming Top-Ten