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South Korea to Probe Apple and Google Over In-App Payment Rules

South Korea to Probe Apple and Google Over In-App Payment Rules

10 AUGUST 2022 - Whatever Apple did to get regulators off its back in South Korea seems to have missed the mark. South Korea requires app stores, including those run by Apple and Google, to allow developers to employ third-party payments options rather than being forced to use the payment mechanisms set up by the companies. A piece from TechCrunch says both Apple and Google have agreed to that, with each providing “a 4% discount from app store fees for using alternative payment operators.” Now, the piece says:

South Korea’s communication watchdog, the Korea Communications Commission (KCC), said Tuesday it will investigate Apple and Google over potential violations of the country’s in-app payment rule.

They make it sound new, though the report indicates the government is kicking an ongoing investigation up a notch. According to the report, the KCC says it’s been looking into the practices of Apple, Google, and the South Korean app store called ONE Store since 17 May. Somewhere along the way it decided that the companies may have breached South Korea’s telecommunication act passed last year.

Corrective action and fines are likely if the firms are found guilty. The next round of investigation begins next Tuesday 16 August. No word on a timeline for the proceedings.

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