US Senate Votes on Big Tech Likely Pushed Past August Recess — Mac OS Ken
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US Senate Votes on Big Tech Likely Pushed Past August Recess

US Senate Votes on Big Tech Likely Pushed Past August Recess

28 JULY 2022 - The US Senate will not vote on big-tech reform before skipping town in August. “Last week,” says a piece from The Mac Observer, “a Democratic caucus from the House of Representatives called on the Senate to vote on two Big Tech antitrust bills before it recesses for August.” This week - not gonna happen.

The two pieces of legislation in question are the Open App Markets Act and the American Choice and Innovation Online Act. TMO says the first would require Apple “to allow third-party software marketplaces” for iPhone and iPad. The piece says the second “would stop tech companies from favoring their own apps over third-party choices…”

Though he calls both pieces of legislation “high priority,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is said to have told constituents Tuesday night that he does not think he has the 60-votes needed to pass the American Choice and Innovation Online Act. The Senate goes on recess next Friday 5 August. It’ll reconvene the day after Labor Day - Tuesday 6 September, when we’ll be humming a tune.

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