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Bloomberg: Apple Calling Employees Back-to-Office by 5 September

Bloomberg: Apple Calling Employees Back-to-Office by 5 September

16 AUGUST 2022 - From the third-time’s-a-charm file, Bloomberg (via Yahoo Finance) says Apple will once again try bringing employees back to the office. According to the short report, the Cupertino-company:

…has set a Sept. 5 deadline for corporate employees to be in the office at least three days a week after delaying its return plans several times due to Covid-19 spikes.

Did I say “third time’s a charm?” Eh…

Everybody has to be in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, according to the piece. They also have to be in on a regular third-day a week to “be determined by individual teams.” Apple is said to have notified employees on Monday, though that was not said by Apple. Not publicly, anyway. The Cupertino-company declined to comment for the Bloomberg report.

Apple TV+ Drops Trailer for Sidney Poitier Doc Ahead of September Premier

Apple TV+ Drops Trailer for Sidney Poitier Doc Ahead of September Premier

Bloomberg: Apple Dismisses ~100 Contract Recruiters

Bloomberg: Apple Dismisses ~100 Contract Recruiters