Users Say macOS 12.3 Update Bricking Mac with Replaced Logic Boards — Mac OS Ken
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Users Say macOS 12.3 Update Bricking Mac with Replaced Logic Boards

Users Say macOS 12.3 Update Bricking Mac with Replaced Logic Boards

Image via Apple

18 MARCH 2022 - If you have a Mac that’s had its logic board replaced and you’ve not updated to macOS Monterey 12.3, you might want to hold off for a bit. A piece from MacRumors says that update, released earlier this week, appears to be bricking some such machines. “As chronicled on an Apple Developer forum thread,” MacRumors says:

…users who attempt to update their Mac to macOS 12.3 from macOS 12.2.1 or earlier are met with errors, endless restart loops, and possibly a bricked Mac. The reports are limited to just Macs that have had their logic boards replaced, specifically new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros.

The good news - Apple has instructions for reviving both an Apple silicon Mac and an Intel-based Mac. The bad news - it requires a second Mac. Those instruction are not in response to the latest upgrade issue. Apple has yet to address the bricking update issue, according to the report.

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