Tim Cook Took Home Nearly $100 Million in 2021 — Mac OS Ken
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Tim Cook Took Home Nearly $100 Million in 2021

You know something Apple might discuss at this year’s shareholder meeting? The gobs of money made by Apple CEO Tim Cook. I mean, it would be gauche, but it still might come up. Because it was gobs of money. The Wall Street Journal (via Apple News+) says Cook marked his tenth year as Apple CEO by taking home nearly $100 million in 2021. A separate piece from Cult of Mac puts the exact number at $98.7 million. According to the Journal:

The bulk of Mr. Cook’s pay increase came from the award of restricted stock units valued at $82.3 million. Mr. Cook’s base salary of $3 million remained unchanged.

According to an Apple filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission: 

Our executive compensation program is designed to motivate and reward outstanding performance in a straightforward, consistent, and effective way, commensurate with Apple’s size, performance, and profitability.

And profit the company has. The Journal points out:

Apple has benefited from a new iPhone with 5G cellular capability and workers and students stuck at home during the pandemic buying laptops and iPad tablets. The company’s stock rose about 80% last year…

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