Source: The Twitter feed of Andy Boretto
While thousands and thousands of dollars worth of Apple shares may be cool, can you wear that to the gym? Okay, I guess with thousands and thousands of dollars you could buy stuff to wear to the gym, but that’s not the point. MacRumors says Apple employees who’ve been part of the Apple Silicon transition have received a T-shit commemorating the move. According to the piece:
Andy Boretto, who works at Apple as a senior software engineer, tweeted an image of a special t-shirt with the M1 chip and its accompanying glow, alongside a card from Apple that reads, "Every so often, something comes along that changes everything. Congratulations and thank you for helping make Apple M1 possible!”
I feel like that shirt should read, “My work changed the face of computing for decades to come an all I got was this lousy t-shirt.”
Or, “and all I got was this lousy t-shirt and $180,000 in restricted stock.”
That one’s for select engineers.