Source: Apple
Perhaps more surprising than a public willingness to steal a much talked about series is the praise for a series that seems to generate little buzz. Two publications have put the Apple TV+ series “For All Mankind” on their lists of best TV series of 2021.
Scratch that. The series didn’t just make the lists put out by USA Today and Rolling Stone magazine. It topped them. Apple Insider has the USA Today writeup saying:
The series is at its best in the second-season finale, involving a U.S.-Soviet standoff in space with the stakes of the Cuban missile crisis…
“Mankind” asks big questions and doesn't shy away from the worst tendencies of 20th-century America, all without careening into pedantic and patronizing territory…
As for the Rolling Stone writeup, MacDailyNews has that pub saying:
The second season of Apple’s unheralded sci-fi epic (…) delivered the year’s best, most assured, most intensely satisfying stretch of TV. As the action moved into the early Eighties and focused on tension between rival lunar bases, For All Mankind did what so many modern serialized dramas aspire to but rarely achieve: It told a collection of seemingly disparate stories that built in suspense and emotional resonance over the course of the season, until everything came together in a thrilling, beautiful conclusion…
Alright. Maybe I’ll give it another shot.
Room for “Ted,” Too
While “Ted Lasso” topped neither list, it was not left out. The USA Today list had team “Lasso” taking seventh-place on its 2021 TV show list. According to that writeup:
Plenty of TV shows that hit it big with audiences, critics and Emmy voters in their first season flounder in their second, but thankfully, producer and star Jason Sudeikis' “Lasso” isn't one of them.