Counterpoint: iPhone Takes Top Spot in China for Sixth Straight Week — Mac OS Ken
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Counterpoint: iPhone Takes Top Spot in China for Sixth Straight Week

iPhone is crushing it in China right now - so says a new note from Counterpoint Research. The market tracker issued a release on Thursday, saying that Apple’s communicator was the top phone in China for the sixth-week running. “With the release of the iPhone 13,” the piece says, “Apple has taken the top spot in sales in China and has maintained the number 1 position excluding the brief period during Singles Day.”  

According to Counterpoint, the base model iPhone 13 is leading sales, followed by iPhone 13 Pro Max, then iPhone 13 Pro. The report indicates that the 13-line isn’t just outselling other phones, it’s outselling previous iPhones as well. The firm says “initials sales of the iPhone 13 series in China exceeds sales of its predecessors.” And where it falls down, iPhone 12 takes up the slack. Counterpoint says, “The relatively lower starting price [of iPhone 13] at its release in China helped boost sales, as well as the new camera and 5G features.” The firm goes on to say that Lucky 13’s success “is also followed by the strong performance of the iPhone 12, contributing to an increase in Apple’s overall sales.”

Tom Kang, Research Director at Counterpoint is quoted in the release, saying:

Apple’s only true competitor in China till now was Huawei and it is now facing serious production issues due to (…) US sanctions. Apple is likely to continue its high performance in China, until other competitors catch up in both brand and quality.

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