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Spend an Hour with Steve Jobs (in 1983)

Today, October 5th, 2012 marks one year after the passing of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs. Much has been written about Jobs. Much has been written about Apple after Jobs. But if you’ve got an hour, you may want to listen to an audio recording th…

Today, October 5th, 2012 marks one year after the passing of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs. Much has been written about Jobs. Much has been written about Apple after Jobs. But if you’ve got an hour, you may want to listen to an audio recording that was dug up this week. 


Business Insider says the blog Life, Liberty, and Technology has posted a presentation Steve Jobs made to the International Design Conference in Aspen in 1983. He was talking to a room full of designers about how great it would be for designers to start really designing computers since computers were going to be part of everybody’s lives in relatively short order. 


Steve Jobs was Steve Jobs for a long time. 


I’ve only had a chance to listen to the first 10 or 15 minutes so far, but it is really stunning how ahead of the whole consumers and computers thing Jobs was. It’s not surprising. If you watched Apple for any length of time with Jobs at the helm you could see he knew consumers and technology. So it’s not surprising. But it is stunning.


You can hear the interview at the bottom of the Business Insider piece here.

Apple Shares Finish Up on iPad/iPad mini Sales Numbers

I’d imagine a lot of people are going to say the first day of iPhone 5 pre-orders did not go well.